The 5 Best Ways Pool Cleaners Can Help Fix a Green Pool from the Inside Out
If you're staring at your swimming pool and thinking it looks more like an algae pond than a refreshing place to cool off on hot summer days, you're not alone.
Algae have been on the rise lately, with more and more people reporting that their formerly clear water has gone green. The good news is that a pool cleaning Melbourne service comes to mind.
Several factors can cause this, but in all cases, simple solutions involve pool cleaners and other products designed to restore your water's sparkle and cleanliness.
Learn about the 5 best ways pool cleaners can help fix a green pool from the inside out below!
Step 1: Get the filter up and running.
Before you can clean your pool and get rid of that green water, you need to make sure your filter is running properly. If it's not, then it won't do any good to start scrubbing and find out the water is still green because of the dirty filter.
To help ensure the filter is working properly, take some time on a regular basis to unplug it and give it a good shake. Also, check for hair or other debris inside the filter cartridge that might be clogging up the flow of water.
Step 2: Have your pool water checked.
We often think of chemicals as our first line of defence against water issues, but before doing anything else, it's important to ensure your pool is in tip-top shape.
The easiest way to do this is to have your pool water checked by a professional at least once a year. It may seem like more than you want to spend when you're taking care of your pool on your own.
But if you take care of these two things - checking the pool water and making sure that all filter components are working properly - then most other fixes will be easier. If not, then we recommend getting help with pool cleaning Melbourne services.
Step 3: Add a pool clarifier.
A pool clarifier helps to chemically balance the water so that even more debris is clumped together and becomes easier to filter out.
However, it is always recommended to use care when using pool clarifiers because they can do more harm than good if not used in moderation.
Typically, they are only needed when a pool has high levels of contaminants such as algae or bacteria. That said, here are some of the best ways that swimming pool cleaners Melbourne can help fix a green pool from the inside out.
Step 4: Consider using an oxidizer.
Adding an oxidizer to the water can give your pool its chemical balance back, which will make it less susceptible to algae and cyanobacteria growth.
Filling up with an oxidizer is quick and easy, just be sure not to add too much and never mix them together because it will burn out your filters.
If you have followed these steps and still have problems with the green pool, don't panic; there are other solutions! One way to fix this problem is by using a pool vacuum cleaner.
Step 5: Know what caused it in the first place
Start by finding out what caused it in the first place. There are many factors that can contribute to algae growth, so the first step is determining what kind of algae is growing in your pool and what caused it to grow.
If you have determined that you have green algae and an overpopulation of chlorine-resistant bacteria, then you may need to drain your pool or take steps to improve its chemistry balance.
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