What is oxidisation? Why does it need to happen to a swimming pool?

pool cleaning melbourne

Your pool is a major summertime luxury, but if you don’t maintain it properly, you may find yourself encountering some serious problems. It’s important to engage with pool cleaning Melbourne service experts who use the appropriate maintenance techniques not just for your own safety but also because those techniques remove dirt and debris from the deeper layers of your pool liner, extending the longevity of its useful life. Additionally, using proper pool maintenance methods keeps your pool clean and aesthetically pleasing, creates cleaner water so you can swim without fear of infection, and reduces the load on your pool pump.

What is oxidisation?

One of the most important aspects of keeping a pool clean is oxidisation. This is the process of using oxygen to break down organic matter, such as leaves, sweat, and bacteria. There are many benefits to using a pool cleaning Melbourne wide service to get clean a pool, including the fact that it is safe for humans and does not damage the pool itself. Oxidation is also one of the most effective methods for preventing algae growth.

Why is oxidising important?

Oxidation is a process that helps to break down organic matter and bacteria in swimming pools. This is important because it helps to keep the pool water clean and clear. It also helps to prevent the growth of algae and other organisms that can cause problems for swimmers.

There are two main types of oxidation that can be used in pools: chlorine oxidation and ozone oxidation. Chlorine is the most common type of oxidiser used in pools, but ozone is becoming increasingly popular because it is more effective at breaking down organic matter and bacteria.

It is important to make sure that the level of oxidisation in your pool is maintained at a safe level. If the level of oxidisation is too low, then this can lead to problems such as cloudy water and algae growth. If the level of oxidisation is too high, then this can cause skin and eye irritation for swimmers.

Maintaining a safe level of oxidation in your pool is important for the health and safety of swimmers. It is also important for the appearance of your pool. 

oxidise your pool

When should you oxidise?

If you have a pool, it's important to keep it clean and free of dirt, debris, and contaminants. One of the most important parts of a pool cleaning service is oxidation. Oxidation helps to break down these materials, making them easier to remove from the pool.

There are a few different ways to oxidise your pool, but one of the most effective is through the use of chlorine. Chlorine is a powerful oxidising agent that can quickly break down organic matter. In addition, chlorine is also effective at killing bacteria and viruses, keeping your pool water safe and clean.

The best time to oxidise your pool is on a regular basis, whether it's once a week or once a month. This will help to keep levels of contaminants low and prevent build-up over time.

5 Signs that you need to oxidise or shock your pool:

If you own a pool, it's important to be aware of the signs that you need to oxidise or shock your pool. Oxidation is a process that breaks down organic compounds in the water, which can cause problems like algae growth. Shocking the pool with chlorine or other chemicals helps to kill bacteria and algae.

There are a few signs that you should look for that indicate it's time to oxidise or shock your pool:

  1. The water is cloudy.
  1. The water has an unpleasant smell.
  1. There is algae growth in the pool.
  1. The pH level of the water is off.
  1. You're noticing more insects in the pool than usual.

If you see any of these signs, it's time to oxidise or shock your pool. Doing so will help to keep the water clean and healthy for swimming.


If you own a swimming pool, then it can be difficult trying to keep up with all the different chemicals that are required for it to stay clean and healthy. One of these is oxidiser - a chemical that gets rid of organic material and algae in your pool, resulting in an environment that's safe for swimmers. That’s why in this article, you will learn about the different signs of oxidation, how often you need to use a pool cleaning Melbourne wide service, and what you can do instead.


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